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  • Aphra Behn

Senator Capito and Halle Berry Spotlight Menopause Awareness

Charleston, W.Va. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and actress Halle Berry joined forces today to host a roundtable discussion focused on the challenges of menopause. The event highlighted the Advancing Menopause and Mid-Life Women’s Health Act, a bipartisan initiative aimed at enhancing federal research and coordination of existing government programs related to menopause and mid-life women’s health. The discussion brought together patients, healthcare providers, academics, and state officials from across West Virginia.

“Menopause is a natural part of life for women, and it’s something we all need to understand better,” said Senator Capito. “It affects every aspect of a woman’s life—from her career to her relationships—and for too long, it’s been a topic only quietly discussed among friends and healthcare providers. I’m thrilled to have Halle Berry here in West Virginia to bring attention to this critical issue, which she has passionately advocated for. The voices we heard today are essential as we work together to address the realities women face daily.”

“Women have been underserved by our healthcare systems for far too long, but change is on the horizon,” said Halle Berry. “I’m excited to be in West Virginia and grateful for Senator Capito’s leadership on the bipartisan Advancing Menopause and Mid-Life Women’s Health Act. I look forward to working with her to see this important legislation through to completion.”

The Advancing Menopause and Mid-Life Women’s Health Act seeks to bolster federal research on menopause, improve healthcare workforce training, and enhance public awareness and education efforts. The bill aims to address the health issues women encounter during mid-life by promoting public health and preventive measures.

Currently, 75 million women in the U.S. are in perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause, with 6,000 more women entering menopause daily. Despite this, menopause research has historically been underfunded and overlooked. Few federally funded clinical trials focus on menopause or menopausal hormone therapy, and menopause education is lacking—only 30% of U.S. residency programs include a formal menopause curriculum, and 80% of OB-GYN residents report feeling unprepared to discuss menopause.

For more information on the Advancing Menopause and Mid-Life Women’s Health Act, you can view the one-page summary [HERE]( The full text of the legislation is also available [HERE](

Before the roundtable, Senator Capito and Halle Berry visited Piedmont Elementary School, where they spoke with fifth-grade students about female empowerment as part of Senator Capito’s Girls Rise Up program.

For more details and photos from their visit

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